#035 Chineme Ugbor - Empowering Girls

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Chineme Ugbor is a passionate educator and coach with extensive experience living and working in Europe, the US and in Africa. Her past experiences range from coordinating workshops in war-torn countries in eastern Africa to running programs for young people previously caught up in the juvenile justice system in the US.

Listening to this episode you will feel the fire Chineme has for helping and supporting girls. Chineme has become her own version of Mrs Brooke, a teacher she first had in Austria who gave her the feeling of belonging.

#033 Clare McNamara - Neurodiversity

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Could you imagine a culture and a workplace where everybody knew how they work at their best? And neurodiversity wouldn't be seen as anything separate? Well, Clare has that vision.

She is a a neurodiversity coach whose expertise is focused on supporting people of all backgrounds to work more effectively together to enable success.

#032 Nilima Bhat - Shakti Leadership

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Not very often I would suggest for you to head over to Nilima,s youtube video for this podcast. But if you want to get 100% of this amazing woman, you should watch the video including the slides on Campbells Hero's Journey, her own model of the journeying consciously, her description of a psychological whole leader and an example of applying Barry Johnsons Polarity map.

#031 Dr. Anja H Förster - Homeoffice

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Homeoffice. Homeschooling. Oh Gott, Zeitmanagement. Alles läuft aus dem Ruder. Wenn du dir diese Folge anhörst, bekommst du ganz praktische Tipps, wie du es besser machen kannst.

#030 Dr. Birgit Thomsen - Suche nach dem ICH

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Mit 61 Jahren noch einmal ganz von vorne beginnen. In einem neuen Land. Mit einer neuen Aufgabe. Das würden sich nicht viele trauen - Birgit schon. Heute lebt sie zeitweise auf Mallorca und zeitweise in der Schweiz und arbeitet als Intentional Creativity Coach.

#029 Amy Carroll - Predator, Prey, Partner

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Not very often I would suggest for you to head over to Amy's youtube video for this podcast. But if you want to get 100% of this amazing woman, you should watch her when she is explaining the communication model her sister developed. Are you a predator, prey or a partner?

#028 Christina Limbird - Exzellenz und Kindness

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Dr. Christina Limbird ist eine amerikanische Schulpsychologin und Mitbegründerin von Linden Global Learning Support, einer internationalen Schülerhilfeagentur mit Sitz in Berlin, Deutschland und Girls Gearing up, Europas einzigem internationalen Leadership Programm für Mädchen.

Ich habe Christina zu ihrem Schritt in die Selbstständigkeit befragt. Die Werte, auf denen sie Ihre Organisation aufgebaut hat, spiegelt sich wieder im Verhalten der Mitarbeiter in Krisenzeiten: Exzellenz und Kindness.

#027 JoAnne Freeman - Brand yourself

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At the age of 8 years old JoAnne realized that there were different rules for girls and boys. And from that moment onwards she made it her business to support, teach and help women to claim their place at the table.

Why is it that women don't like words like: politics, power and ambition?
How can women learn the rules of the game and make themselves seen and heard?
Do you know, what your ambition is?

#026 Burcu Culpan Scherr

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Burcu is an expert in communication: brand communication, content marketing, social media communication and speaks English, German, Turkish and Chinese.
When Burcu was a small child her Turkish parents left home and moved to the US. Although Burcu has no memory of that time, her parents told her that she cried and cried when she had to go to Kindergarten, because she didn't understand a single word. Already back then, communication was an important part of her life.

Über diesen Podcast

I envision a world where we treat each other with respect, where we feel seen and heard, where our strengths are valued, and where people are assets, not commodities.

This podcast and its conversations serve this purpose.
My guests include the founder and CEO of organizations like Kristin Engvig, Christina Limbird and Chineme Ugbor, international thought leaders like Helen Eriksen and Nilima Bhat and world-renowned coaches like Sherry Bakhtian, Blanca Vergara, Maxine Nwaneri, Laura Gates, Betty-Ann Heggie and many more.


Wenn ich die Augen schließe, sehe ich eine Welt vor mir, in der wir einander mit Respekt begegnen, uns gesehen und gehört fühlen, unsere Stärken geschätzt werden und Menschen, im Einklang mit der Natur, einen essenziellen Platz in unserer Gesellschaft behalten – auch in Zeiten von KI.

Dieser Podcast dient dieser Vision.
Zu Anjas Gästen gehören Gründer und CEOs von Organisationen wie Kristin Engvig, Christina Limbird und Chineme Ugbor, internationale Vordenkerinnen wie Helen Eriksen und Nilima Bhat und weltbekannte Coaches wie Sherry Bakhtian, Blanca Vergara, Maxine Nwaneri, Laura Gates, Betty-Ann Heggie und viele mehr.

Music from Jason Shaw (

von und mit Anja Helen Foerster


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